As one of the top preschools in Jersey City, we are committed to providing quality preschool and educational services for children ages 2 through 6 years old.
Smart Start Academy
462 Central Ave Jersey City, NJ 07307
(201) 461-6161

Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum

One philosophy we strongly believe in is Howard Gardner’s notion for multiple intelligences. This theory states that there are a lot of different ways to have intelligence. Most programs base intelligence off of the ability to learn in a spatial (visual) or logical manner, but not everyone is only intelligent in that area. Some people, especially children, are more intelligent in bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, or many other areas.
Incorporating this view into our curriculum means that we focus on a lot of different subjects and activities. It is very important to us to let children participate in activities that will build their self-confidence. The best way to do this is to help the child feel good at something through different ways of expressing themselves.
All of our lessons are tailored to fit the different developmental needs and ages of the children in our programs since the children we work with range from infants to preschoolers. Our experienced teachers use this as a foundation to bring a variety of structured and free-play activities to the students.  It is important to us that children have a lot of opportunities to learn in different ways.