As one of the top preschools in Jersey City, we are committed to providing quality preschool and educational services for children ages 2 through 6 years old.
Smart Start Academy
462 Central Ave Jersey City, NJ 07307
(201) 461-6161

Making Education an Investment

Making Education an Investment
It is also important to us that parents know that we are team players. To limit the variability that children sometimes experience at school and at home, parents and teachers work together to create the most ideal situation for every student. When all the adults cooperate, it makes the learning process much more effective. Parents and teachers not only work together, but respect one another and their opinions. We encourage communication between all parties involved to help keep everyone informed and invested in the student’s education.
At SSA, we know that all work and no play makes learning harder, especially for young children. Our emergent teaching includes providing meaningful experiences for students through many opportunities, including through play and exploration. These experiences contribute a lot to our learning environment by using different methods to give variety and ultimately help each student to reach his/her highest potential.